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File Sharing
Solutions for Backup, Storage and File Management

File Sharing

Synology DiskStation provides you a secure and fast way to share any digital file you want. Acting as a file center, File Station lets you not only move files in between your PC and DiskStation, but also offers the flexibility to set up permissions for user privileges to enhance productivity. You can even enjoy seamless file sharing across different platforms -Windows, Mac, and Linux, no matter where you are, what device you use.

File Station

Your ultimate file center

File Station is the file center for you to manage files and share files stored on DiskStation. Upload data from Mac or PC takes no more than a simple drag-n-drop, and it’s ready to be shared with everyone. Whatever that you are looking for – be it document, photos, or videos – use advanced filters to locate it and preview it via Google Docs or other built-in services. Best of all, content in File Station can reach out to more devices via its app, DS file.

Business can put their trust on File Station as it comes with HTTPS protection and Windows ACL support. Password and link expiry date can be set up to strengthen security when sharing data with external parties. For large businesses having many servers dedicated to specific purposes, use Remote Folder to create a unified file entrance through File Station. Virtual drive allows mounting up to 16 ISO images simultaneously, making batch installation easily available to offices.

File Station