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Linux/Unix Backup
Solutions for Backup, Storage and File Management

Linux/Unix BackupNow with a Synology server along with third-party backup software, such as BackupEdge by Microlite, a regular operator can backup Linux/Unix computers to a high-performance, reliable storage for their secure data archiving and disaster recovery

Benefits of Synology Linux/Unix Backup Solutions

For a Linux/Unix environment, while most administrators have the knowledge and experience to operate the computer via scripts and command line to backup their data, it often requires a highly skilled individual to perform the tasks of Linux/Unix data backup. This task is difficult to delegate to less-skilled employees. Now with a Synology server along with third-party backup software, such as BackupEdge by Microlite, a regular operator can backup Linux/Unix computers to a high-performance, reliable storage for their secure data archiving and disaster recovery.

Synology systems offer true flexibility and compatibility to meet Linux administrators of new or seasoned with experience. Supporting a diverse set of network protocols, a wide selection of backup software, Synology's Auto-notification, Synology systems represent the ideal reliable, high-performance storage solution for Linux/Unix backup.

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